Drug diversion is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as obtaining or using prescription medicines illegally. State and federal reporting agencies are listed below.
State reporting
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
All state-licensed health facilities are required to report suspected or confirmed drug diversion occurrences. To learn more about filing an occurrence report with CDPHE, view the Health Facilities Occurrence Report manual or contact the Occurrence Intake Coordinator at 303-692-2826 or cdphe.hfoccur@state.co.us.
Colorado Revised Statute § 25-1-124 requires each licensed healthcare facility to report “any occurrence in which drugs intended for use by patients or residents are diverted to use by other person.” To reference the entire statute visit the manual mentioned above.
Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA)
To file a complaint on a DORA-regulated healthcare professional visit
askDORA, and click “File a Complaint.”
Local police department
Colorado Revised Statute §18-8-115 states, “It is the duty of every corporation or person who has reasonable grounds to believe that a crime has been committed to report promptly the suspected crime to law enforcement authorities.”
Contact your local police department to determine if it accepts drug diversion reports.
Federal reporting
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
According to the DEA: “Federal regulations require that registrants notify the DEA Field Division in their area, in writing, of the theft or significant loss of any controlled substance within one business day of discovery of such loss or theft.”
Drug Enforcement Administration
Attn: Regulatory Section/ODG
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, VA 22152
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
If tampering occurs, CDPHE requests your facility contact the Food and Drug Administration – Office of Criminal Investigations (FDA-OCI). FDA-OCI has federal jurisdiction and the expertise to assist your facility when a drug tampering occurs.
Office of Criminal Investigations – Food and Drug Administration
Kansas City Field Office (covers Colorado)