Colorado Food Program Manuals
All Colorado Food Program manuals have been relocated to the 'Download Forms' page within the Colorado Nutrition Portal (CNP) website for easy access and reference.
Forms, guidelines, and rates
Income Eligibility Forms (IEFs), Household Income Eligibility Guidelines (HHIG), and Reimbursement Rates
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Household Income Eligibility Guidelines
- Household Income Eligibility Guidelines (HHIG) in English. (PDF)
- Household Income Eligibility Guidelines (HHIG) in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in English. (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Soomaali (Somali). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Русский (Russian). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in العربية (Arabic). (PDF)
Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form Letter
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in English. (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Soomaali (Somali). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Русский (Russian). (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in العربية (Arabic). (PDF)
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Household Income Eligibility Guidelines
- Household Income Eligibility Guidelines (HHIG) in English. (PDF)
- Household Income Eligibility Guidelines (HHIG) in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in English. (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Soomaali (Somali). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in Русский (Russian). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) in العربية (Arabic). (PDF)
Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form Letter
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in English. (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Soomaali (Somali). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in Русский (Russian). (PDF)
- Child Care Center Income Eligibility Form (IEF) letter in العربية (Arabic). (PDF)
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
General forms
Special Diet Statement Forms
- Understanding Special Dietary Requests with the Colorado Food Program - English. (PDF)
- Understanding Special Dietary Requests with the Colorado Food Program - Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Special Diet Statement Form in English. (PDF)
- Special Diet Statement Form in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Special Diet Statement Form for Adult Day Care Participants. (PDF)
Milk Substitution Forms
Review results
- How to access your review results in the Colorado Nutrition Portal (CNP). (PDF)
- School Food Authorities (SFAs) - How to access your review results in the Colorado Nutrition Portal (CNP). (PDF)
Please note: The What to Expect Checklists have been added to the Colorado Nutrition Portal (CNP).
- New Site Checklist. (PDF)
- Household Contact Policy - Example. (PDF)
Site visit forms
Menu templates
- 5-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack. (PDF)
- 5-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Snack, and Snack. (PDF)
- 5-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
- 5-day Menu Template: Lunch, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
- 5-day Menu Template: Snack, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Snack, and Snack. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Breakfast, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Lunch, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Snack, Lunch, and Snack. (PDF)
- 7-day Menu Template: Snack, Snack, and Supper. (PDF)
Production records
- Adult Production Records. (PDF)
- Production Record - Children 1-2 Years Old. (PDF)
- Production Record - Children 3-5 Years Old. (PDF)
- Production Record - Children 6-12 Years Old. (PDF)
- Production Record - Youth 13-18 Years Old. (PDF)
- Infant Menu and Production Record - 0-5 Months in English. (PDF)
- Infant Menu and Production Record - 0-5 Months in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Infant Menu and Production Record - 6 -11 Months in English. (PDF)
- Infant Ment and Production Record - 6-11 Months in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- ROMs for At-risk Afterschool Programs. (PDF)
- ROMs Digital Calculation Tool. (Excel Spreadsheet)
- ROMs for Headstart. (Word Doc)
- ROMs with Staff Meals. (PDF)
- Adult Day Care Center Enrollment Form Template. (PDF)
- AnnualColorado Food Program Staff Training Template. (PDF)
- Child Care Center Enrollment Form Template. (PDF)
- Child Nutrition (CN) Label Guide. (PDF)
- Donated Foods Receipt Form. (PDF)
- Feeding Infants in the Colorado Food Program. (USDA Nutrition Services website))
- Food Recall Information Sheet. (PDF)
- Food Service Management Contract Template. (PDF)
- Handwashing Poster. (PDF)
- Infant Feeding Form in English. (PDF)
- Infant Feeding Form in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN). (Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) website)
- Milk Worksheet Calculation Tool. (Excel Spreadsheet)
- Monthly Roster of Enrolled Children Template. (PDF)
- National CACFP Association USDA CACFP Crediting Handbook. (National CACFP Association website)
- Team Nutrition Materials
- Order Free Copies online. (USDA Team Nutrition website)
- Tips for Evaluating a Manufacturer's Product Formulation Statement (PFS). (PDF)