en español
To submit a complaint in a language other than English or Spanish, please email.
Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Soomaali | العربية | नेपाली | Dine
Submit an environmental justice complaint if you are from a community disproportionately affected by pollution. The Ombuds Office will collaborate with staff across CDPHE’s environmental divisions to address your concerns. We can work together to respond to your questions and provide solutions regarding:
- Odors, dust, and visible emissions in the air
- Drinking water safety, including questions about color, taste, and odor
- Air pollution from oil and gas operation’s impact on public health
- Illegal dumping or disposal of materials like waste tires
- Protecting people from exposure to harmful radiation
By email:
To submit a complaint in a language other than English or Spanish, please email. You may send the complaint via email in the language of your choice.
Tiếng Việt | 中文 | Soomaali | العربية | नेपाली | Dine
By phone:
By mail:
Marcus Howell, Environmental Justice Ombudsperson, CDPHE
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246
What to expect after you submit the complaint
The ombudsperson will work with the environmental and technical staff at CDPHE to find possible solutions. The new complaint system does not replace any of the existing systems.
If a concern is outside the scope of his work, the ombudsperson will work with individuals to ensure their concerns are routed to the appropriate division or state agency.
All names, addresses, and phone numbers entered into this form are confidential. We will not share any of your personally identifiable information without your permission. Read more about our privacy policy on the CDPHE Privacy Policy page.
About The Ombudsperson
Marcus Howell is the Environmental Justice Ombudsperson. The Governor appoints the ombudsperson. He provides an independent voice to advocate for disproportionately impacted communities and has a direct line of communication with CDPHE's executive director. The Ombudsperson Complaint System is designed to give Coloradans a centralized place to voice their concerns about environmental justice and pollution.
The ombudsperson works with staff across CDPHE. He will respond to environmental justice complaints promptly and transparently. Over time, the ombudsperson will identify trends and address them with department leadership.
What CDPHE can help with
Investigating whether pollution in the air, water, or soil is being controlled under all applicable laws. This might include:
- Investigating odors, dust, and visible emissions in the air;
- Responding to questions about whether water is safe to drink, including questions about color, taste, and odor;
- Providing information about how air pollution from oil and gas operations may or may not impact public health;
- Investigating reports of illegal dumping or disposal of materials like waste tires;
- Protecting people from exposure to harmful radiation; and
- Funding initiatives to prevent pollution through recycling and other sustainability programs.
What CDPHE cannot help with
- Managing natural resources (wildlife, outdoor recreation, forestry, agriculture). The Department of Natural Resources and Department of Agriculture addresses these issues.
- Making binding decisions about land use. Local governments regulate land use.
- Requiring pollution to be reduced below levels allowed under law.
- Addressing most nuisance topics like noise and light. Local governments regulate nuisance.
- Controlling federally regulated transit like air traffic and trains. The federal Department of Transportation regulates these activities.
Leave your feedback
The ombudsperson needs to hear from you to make sure that system can be utilized by communities disproportionately impacted by pollution. You can share your written feedback with ej_complaints@state.co.us.
You can provide feedback in any language. You can still submit feedback, but the Ombudsperson may not be able to incorporate the feedback into the final complaint system launch in mid-April.
Have a question? Contact us at ej_complaints@state.co.us.