Subrecipient resources

Welcome to the subrecipient resource page, where CDPHE-funded family planning agencies in Colorado can stay up-to-date on relevant events, training, and news.

Learn about important dates and deadlines, update your agency’s contact information, and subscribe to the family planning bi-weekly update newsletter.

Access the iCare data system, where subrecipients are required to report information on family planning services provided.

Get the latest administrative, clinical, billing and coding manuals as well as program toolkits.

An outline of what you can expect during clinical, administrative, and fiscal site visits with the Family Planning Program and provides links to the documents that will be used during the process.

A PDF with links to required training for Family Planning Program providers, as well as optional training resources. Click on each of the blue headings for more information on the training topic.

Frequently asked family planning clinical questions and answers from the Family Planning Program’s APN Medical Director.

  • FAQ. (Google Doc)

Explore various forms and documents for subrecipients, including visit templates, clinical forms, client handouts, administrative forms, and fiscal forms.

Medical Provider Advisory Committee (MedPAC) meeting minutes and handouts (available upon request).

Please email cdphe_familyplanning@state.co.us regarding any questions.

Access local and national resources in the field of reproductive and sexual health.