The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program providers free or low-cost vaccines for children who are uninsured, underinsured, on Medicaid or Medicaid eligible, and/or Alaskan Native/American Indian. There are over 600 provider offices, community health centers, and local public health agencies that participate in the VFC Program in Colorado.
Find a free or low-cost vaccine provider
The following information is for health care providers.
P: 303-692-2650
F: 303-691-6118 (please include your VFC PIN and staff member you are trying to reach)
VFC Program Contact List (vaccine manufacturers, VAERS, etc.)
Interested in becoming a VFC provider?
Required training
The VFC Program has created their own annual training program.
The program requires the Primary Vaccine Coordinator, Secondary Vaccine Coordinator, and Provider of Record at each VFC provider office to complete this training module every year. The course is highly recommended for any staff working with the VFC program.
Colorado VFC Annual Training Course Instructions
Vaccine management forms
- Routine Vaccine Management Plan
- Emergency Vaccine Management Plan
- VFC Change of Information form
- Vaccine Borrowing Report
- Vaccine Usage Log
- Vaccine Wastage Log
- Vaccine Tally Sheet (For Aggregate/Electronic-Entry Users)
- How To Do a Physical Vaccine Inventory Count
Vaccine returns
Unused federally purchased vaccine should be returned to McKesson. Please see the documents below on how to return your VFC/317 vaccine.
*Paper return forms are no longer accepted.
- Create a Vaccine Return - Job Aid
- Create a VFC Vaccine Return - Video
- Vaccine Return Module User Impact Document
- Vaccine Return and Wastage Guide
- Vaccine Return Checklist & Return Label FAQ
Storage and handling
CDC Storage & Handling Toolkit
Paper temperature monitoring logs
Temperature excursion guidance
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) Storage and Handling Response Checklist
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) Storage & Handling Incident Report
- VFC Vaccine Inventory Form
Data loggers
- How to read a data logger report
- Adjust VFC400 Data Logger Settings Job Aid.
- Download Data Logger Job Aid.
- Change logger battery.
- Data logger calibration
- VFC providers are responsible for ensuring their primary and back-up data loggers have a current calibration. Data loggers should be calibrated every two years. Loggers can be calibrated for single-point calibration (for use in either a fridge OR freezer) or dual calibration (able to be used in both a fridge AND freezer).
- Microdaq Ltd - 603-746-5524
- Control Solutions - 503-410-5996
- Thermco Products Inc. - 973-300-9100
- VFC providers are responsible for ensuring their primary and back-up data loggers have a current calibration. Data loggers should be calibrated every two years. Loggers can be calibrated for single-point calibration (for use in either a fridge OR freezer) or dual calibration (able to be used in both a fridge AND freezer).
Vaccine Transfers and Off-site Clinics
Approval from the VFC program is required before moving any vaccines or conducting off-site clinics. For more information, please refer to the transport and off-site clinic policies.
- Vaccine Transfer and Off-Site Clinic Request form
- Vaccine Transport Log (Fill out after every transport and off-site clinic)
- Packing Vaccines for Transports During Emergencies job aid