Tobacco policy

Resources and information

A variety of information and resources about tobacco policy in Colorado, and the United States.


Information about tobacco retail licensing

The Tobacco Control Legal Consortium, a collaborative network of legal centers, has prepared a summary of guidelines and drafting tips to help governments identify strategies for regulating tobacco retailers and potential ways these strategies might be limited by federal law.

Tobacco Control Legal Consortium

The Tobacco Control Legal Consortium is a legal network for tobacco control policy. Drawing on experts in its eight affiliated legal centers, the Consortium works to assist communities with tobacco law-related issues, ranging from smoke-free policies to tobacco control funding laws to regulation of flavored cigarettes.


ChangeLab Solutions

ChangeLab Solutions provides community-based solutions for America’s most common and preventable diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and asthma.


The American Lung Association State Legislated Actions on Tobacco Issues (ALA-SLATI) website is home to the online version of SLATI, which tracks state tobacco control laws, including restrictions on smoking in public places and workplaces and tobacco taxes, on an ongoing basis.