Learn the basics
State and federal laws require all employers to provide accommodations for breastfeeding employees to express their milk.
Colorado Lactation Laws
- Learn about Colorado Lactation Laws on the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website.
- Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition. (website)
Your rights at work
- Learn more about your rights at work.
- Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition PDF)
Employer training video
Developed by the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition, the video goes step by step through the different elements a health department, breastfeeding coalition, or community-based organization should have in place to work with local employers.
Employer training slide deck
Breastfeeding and Working Moms
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms Part 1
- Part 1 explains the importance and benefits of breastfeeding and introduces issues that may be encountered in the workplace.
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms: Part 1. (YouTube video)
- Part 1 explains the importance and benefits of breastfeeding and introduces issues that may be encountered in the workplace.
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms Part 2
- Part 2 explains Colorado's Accommodations for Nursing Mothers Law and how it supports working moms who want to express milk during the workday so they can continue breastfeeding their babies.
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms: Part 2. (YouTube video)
- Part 2 explains Colorado's Accommodations for Nursing Mothers Law and how it supports working moms who want to express milk during the workday so they can continue breastfeeding their babies.
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms Part 3
- Part 3 offers suggestions to working moms on how to approach their employer to secure time and a private place to express milk during the work day so they can continue to breastfeed their baby.
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms: Part 3. (YouTube video)
- Breastfeeding and Working Moms: Part 3. (YouTube video)
- Part 3 offers suggestions to working moms on how to approach their employer to secure time and a private place to express milk during the work day so they can continue to breastfeed their baby.
Lactation-friendly workplaces
- Find a Lactation Friendly Recognized Employer. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website)
- Employer recognition program info flier. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition PDF)
- How to be an advocate flier. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition PDF)
Lactation-friendly child care providers
- Find a Lactation Friendly Child Care Provider in Colorado. (Healthy Child Care Colorado website)
Workplace support
- Workplace Support - Federal PUMP Act law guide. (United States Breastfeeding Committee website)
- What to do if your employer refuses to comply. (United States Breastfeeding Committee website)
- Office on Women’s Health website includes breastfeeding tips and workplace support or call the OWH HELPLINE: 1-800-994-9662 9 a.m. — 6 p.m. ET, Monday — Friday.
Breastfeeding support, information, and pumps
- Colorado WIC website includes breastfeeding support, information, and pumps.
Lactation support covered by insurance
- Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
- The Cover All Coloradans website includes Health Benefits for Children and Pregnant Persons.
- Durable Medical Equipment website - Health First Colorado - Breast Pump Coverage
- Breast pump provider - access list for members. (PDF)
- Private insurance - Affordable Care Act
- Breastfeeding coverage. (HealthCare.gov website)
- National Women's Law Center Breastfeeding Benefits Toolkit. (PDF)
- Find a pump. (Insurance Covered Breast Pumps website)
- Questions to ask your insurance provider. (WIC Breastfeeding Support website)
- WIC Breastfeeding resources. (WIC website)
Other resources
- Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website.
- La Leche League of Mountain Plains website includes Colorado Groups.
- La Leche League International website.
- The CDC website includes a Breastfeeding Frequently Asked Questions webpage.
- Colorado lactation laws support breastfeeding handout PDF available in English and Spanish.
- Back to work checklist. (PDF)
- Talking to your boss about your pump PDFs available in English and Spanish. (University of California Law San Francisco)
- Tips for approaching your supervisor. (PDF)
- Breastfeeding conversation starters. (PDF)
- Life with Breastfeeding - toolkit for parents PDF in English and Tu Vida y la Lactancia PDF en Espanol.
- Tips for Starting Your Breastfed Baby in Child Care - toolkit for parents PDF in English. | Consejos para que Su Bebe Comience a ir a la Guarderia.
- Breastfeeding information for employers at a glance. (PDF)
- Lactation Friendly Workplace - PDF toolkit for employers.
- Promoting employee wellness handout for employers. (PDF)
- Letter to physicians. (PDF)
- Health care provider medical note to breastfeed. (PDF)
- Breastfeeding in child care. (PDF)
- Choosing a breastfeeding-friendly child care. (PDF)
Being a lactation-friendly workplace demonstrates an organization’s commitment to supporting families, assists parents in achieving their lactation goals, and creates a positive, family-friendly image for your organization. It is also a strategic way to attract, retain, and engage employees.
Steps to take
- Learn about Colorado Lactation Laws.
- Watch the Employer Training Video (~15 minutes). Review the printable slide deck.
- Review the Colorado lactation-friendly employer toolkit.
- Check out additional resources and apply for statewide Lactation Friendly Workplace recognition through the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition
- Submit your application.
- View a list of Lactation Friendly Recognized workplaces.
Additional employer resources
- Colorado Workplace Accommodation for Nursing Mothers Act. (PDF)
- Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers on the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment website.
- Break Time for Nursing Mothers webpage on the U.S. Department of Labor website.
- Workplace Support in Federal Law webpage on the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee website.
- Supporting Nursing Moms at Work: Employer Solutions information on the Office on Women’s Health website.
- Business Case for Breastfeeding webpage on the Office on Women’s Health website.
- Lactation Break Time and Space in all Industries - examples and support for creating lactation spaces and assisting employees on the Office on Women’s Health website.
- The CDC Guide to Strategies to Support Breastfeeding Mothers and Babies PDF.
- The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding on the US Department of Health and Human Services website.
- Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website.
- Make a Breastfeeding-Friendly Health Department webpage on the Dakota County website.
Lactation Friendly Workplace (LFW) materials
- Colorado Lactation Friendly Workplace toolkit:
- LFW Downloadable Action Plan.
- LFW Policy Templates. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website)
- LFW Evidence Document.
- LFW Communications Plan Template.
- Other helpful resources, links, handouts and ideas on the Colorado OBFC website including:
- Lactation Space Ideas.
- Professional Organization links.
- Policy templates.
- Signage.
- State and Federal Law Documents.
- Frequently Asked Questions on Lactation Accommodation. (PDF)
- Colorado Lactation Laws: an English/Spanish PDF handout.
- Promoting workplace wellness through breastfeeding support. (PDF)
- Workplace videos, stories, and advice from moms in English and Spanish.
- YouTube video outreach pocket card. (PDF)
- Sample workplace policies:
- Breastfeeding help, resources, and toolkits (Colorado WIC webpage)