Lactation friendly toolkits, handouts, and resources for workplaces, child care, health care, and families to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.
- Life with Breastfeeding: A Guide for Parents and Families (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Lactation Friendly Workplace. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Lactation Friendly Child Care
- Lactation Friendly Health Care Provider. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Guidelines for the Breastfeeding Friendly Food Pantry. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Lactation Friendly Jails toolbox. (Google Drive Folder)
- Colorado lactation laws handout
- English and Spanish. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Thinking about breastfeeding
- English and Spanish. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Guide to Breastfeeding
Hospital information and birth plans
- My birth plan
- English and Spanish. (PDF) (WIC Colorado)
- My Birth Plan printable/fillable
- Baby-Friendly hospitals: A handout for families. (PDF)
- Baby-Friendly hospitals: A handout for hospital staff. (PDF)
- Hand Expression
- Pumping breast milk
- Pump providers. (Health First Colorado)
- Lactation Friendly Workplaces recognition program
- Employers info flyer. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- How to be an advocate flyer. (PDF) (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Finding a Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care English and Spanish. (PDF)
- Human milk storage guidelines
- Colorado WIC: Paced bottle feeding English and Spanish. (PDF)
- Toddlers, Breast Milk and Child Care. (PDF)
- Colorado WIC: Breast milk sharing. (PDF)
- Feeding Both Breast Milk and Formula English and Spanish. (PDF)
- Breastfeeding and Jury Duty English and Spanish. (PDF)
- Breastfeeding at Swimming Pools English and Spanish. (PDF)
- Colorado World Breastfeeding Week/National Breastfeeding Month campaigns. (Google Drive folder)
- Breastfeeding resources. (Google Drive folder)
Cannabis Use in Pregnancy and Lactation
- Cannabis: Health care provider resources. (CDPHE webpage)
- Cannabis, You and Your Baby handout for parents:
WIC Colorado Preparing Infant Formula
Colorado resources
Colorado local lactation resources. Google Drive folder)
- Workplace lactation accommodation: for partners with sample policies, corporate policies, space ideas, and more. (Google Drive folder)
Lactation data is mostly self-reported data from families collected through various surveys.
- Colorado breastfeeding rates data slides and graphs. (Google Drive folder)
- National Immunization Survey breastfeeding rates. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website)
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data
- National PRAMS data. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website)
- Colorado Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) data. (CDPHE website)
- Healthy People 2030 sets data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. (U.S. Department of Human Services website)
- Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity data. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website)
- Colorado data and statistics. (CDPHE website)
- Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC website)
- WIC breastfeeding data local agency report. (USDA website)
- Colorado WIC data. (Colorado WIC website)
- Colorado lactation laws. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition webpage)
- Colorado lactation laws PDF handout. (Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition)
- Colorado WIC Breastfeeding Laws Explained. (Colorado WIC website)
- Colorado breastfeeding in public law. (PDF)
- Colorado Workplace Accommodation for Nursing Mothers Act. (PDF)
- Federal workplace legislation under health care reform PUMP Act. (US Department of Labor website)
- Summary of breastfeeding state laws. (National Conference of State Legislatures website)
- Colorado World Breastfeeding Week/National Breastfeeding Month campaigns. (Google Drive folder)
- Surgeon General's call to action to support breastfeeding. (US Department of Health and Human Services website)
- U.S. Breastfeeding Committee (USB). (USB website)
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CD)
- The CDC Guide to Strategies to Support Breastfeeding Mothers and Babies. (PDF, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website)
- The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Intervention. (CDC website)
- Breastfeeding reports and toolkits. (CDC website)
- Medline Plus: Breastfeeding. (National Library of Medicine website)