A Community Health Worker (CHW) helps individuals overcome barriers to quality care. They address barriers including access to health care, insurance or lack thereof, poor health literacy, transportation, child care and more.
“Community Health Worker” is an umbrella term or job classification for individuals who may go by many names, such as Promotores or Promotoras de salud, Health Navigators, Patient Navigators, Health Promoters, Community Outreach Workers, or Community Health Representatives.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) oversees the CHW credentialing process, including training, assessment, and a registry of CHWs in the state.
What are the ways to be a credentialed Community Health Worker?
There are four pathways to become a credentialed Community Health Worker:
- Complete coursework through a CDPHE-recognized CHW training program
- Demonstrate work experience
- Demonstrate work experience as a Community Health Representative in the Indian Health Service
- Have a CHW credential from certain other states
To qualify for the CHW credential through the Training Program Pathway, an individual must complete coursework through a CDPHE-recognized CHW training program. There are four current CDPHE-recognized training programs in Colorado.
Visit the Community Health Worker training programs page to learn more about these programs and their requirements.
Process for Credentialing Through Training
Information needed to show training completion, entered on Certemy:
- Name of training program, date of completion
- Upload training program completion certificate
After CDPHE’s review and approval of the training program information, the individual will then be able to register for the state Community Health Worker Assessment.
The individual must then complete and pass the state Community Health Worker Assessment administered by the Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Once an individual completes and passes the CHW Assessment, their name is placed on the CHW registry and they will have access to their CHW credential certificate.
In lieu of completing a CDPHE-approved CHW training program, an individual could become a credentialed Community Health Worker through their work experience:
Work Experience Requirement: Must have 2,000 hours (Equivalent to one year of Full Time Community Health Worker experience) within the past 5 years; up to 50% of hours (1,000 hours) can be volunteer work.
Process for Credentialing Through Work Experience
Information needed to show work experience, entered on Certemy:
- Information about CHW-related employment, including dates of employment and number of hours worked.
- Attestation of having met each of the 8 Community Health Worker Core Competencies
- Upload of job description from CHW-related employment.
- Signature or attestation from at least one supervisor on the employment information and that the individual has met each of the 8 Community Health Worker Core Competencies.
- Signature to attest alignment with National CHW Ethical Standards.
After CDPHE’s review and approval of the work experience, the individual will then be able to register for the state Community Health Worker Assessment.
The individual must then complete and pass the state Community Health Worker Assessment administered by the Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE).
Once an individual completes and passes the CHW Assessment, their name is placed on the CHW registry and they will have access to their CHW credential certificate.
Community Health Representatives (CHRs) in tribal communities will be placed on the CHW registry, based on their current training or job description.
Process for Credentialing Through Community Health Representative Training or Work Experience
Information needed to show CHR training or work experience, entered on Certemy:
- Relevant CHR training or job description will need to be uploaded to Certemy.
After CDPHE’s review and approval of the CHR training or work experience, the individual will then be placed on the CHW registry.
CDPHE will be conducting outreach with other states to determine if the credentialing in that state is sufficient to meet Colorado’s CHW Core Competencies for reciprocity. CDPHE will start with neighboring states. Information will be updated here as states are added to the reciprocity pathway.
Registering for Certemy and for the Assessment
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is utilizing Certemy for the credentialing process for current and new Community Health Workers (CHW) in the state. Certemy is designed to track credentials in one system of record.
Two pathways - the Training Program Pathway and the Work Experience Pathway - require completion of a competency assessment in order to receive the CHW credential. Individuals must create an account on Certemy and complete all steps for their pathway prior to registering for the competency assessment.
Below are the dates for the upcoming Health Navigation (HN) assessment and instructions on how to begin using Certemy. You must create an account in order to register for the assessment.
Center for Advancing Professional Excellence (CAPE) Assessment Dates
- Friday, March 7
- Wednesday, March 12
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Saturday, March 29
- Friday, April 25
- Saturday, April 26
- Saturday, May 3
- Wednesday, May 21
Please Note: These dates are only for the Health Navigation (HN) assessment. CAPE is in the process of developing a new CHW competency assessment that will be available for pilot testing in late spring. If you are applying under the Work Experience Pathway, you can choose to take the HN assessment or the CHW assessment. If you are applying under the Training Program Pathway, please confirm with your training provider which assessment you should take.
If you are a NEW Community Health Worker seeking to register for the Health Navigator Assessment please follow the instructions below to get started:
- Please navigate to the Certemy website using one of the following links that aligns with your pathway.
CHW - Pathway 1: Training + Assessment
CHW - Pathway 2: Work Experience + Assessment
- Creating an Account on Certemy: begin by filling in your first name, last name, email, and creating a password. (personal email is preferred)
- Complete your Credentialing Requirements: Once logged in, completing the steps (requirements) for each credential is easy. First, select the pathway on the left side of your screen. Then click on any of the steps on the right side of your screen to view or complete the corresponding requirement - be sure to complete the Application and Training Program Completion sections.
- Registering for the Assessment: Once your application is accepted by CDPHE, you will be notified by email to login and register for the assessment. A link will be provided on your profile. Once you have registered, CAPE will be notified and will follow-up with next steps.
Tip: Notice the small circles below the credential name. They represent the steps (requirements) for those certifications and are color-coded. Green means complete and white means incomplete.
Tip: You’ll see the status (complete, partially completed, or incomplete) for each step together with the due date. The system will automatically send you email alerts as you approach the due date for an incomplete step. You can then log in each time you want to work on your credential(s)
Please contact us at cdphe_colorado_chw@state.co.us for questions or concerns.
If you are a current Health Navigator or Community Health Worker and are listed on the current Health Navigation Registry please follow the instructions below to get started:
- Navigate to the new Certemy system login page using any web browser on your phone or computer and bookmark this page.
- Create Password: click on Forgot Password then provide the email that is on file with CDPHE. An email will be sent to you (make sure to check your inbox and spam folders) where you can create a password. After changing your password, navigate back to the login page and proceed to sign in.
- Complete your Credentialing Requirements: Once logged in, select the pathway on the left side of your screen. Then click on any of the steps on the right side of your screen to view or complete the corresponding requirement.
Tip: Notice the small circles below the certification name. They represent the steps (requirements) for those certifications and are color-coded. Green means complete and white means incomplete.
Tip: You’ll see the status (complete, partially completed, or incomplete) for each step together with the due date. The system will automatically send you email alerts as you approach the due date for an incomplete step.
You can then log in each time you want to work on your credential(s).
Please contact us at cdphe_colorado_chw@state.co.us for questions or concerns.