Resources and materials for your patients before pregnancy.
Preconception health is the health status of women, men, and couples during preconception periods.
- Guideline for Preconception and Interconception Care. (Health team Works PDF)
- Guideline for Contraception. (Health team Works PDF)
- Wall chart English. (Health team Works PDF)
- Wall chart Spanish. (Health team Works PDF)
A Reproductive Life Plan
A Reproductive Life Plan is a set of personal goals about having (or not having) children, including action steps around how to achieve those goals. Colorado completed an evaluation of a tool developed to help women identify those goals.
Health Watch data briefs
Health Watch data briefs discuss the health status of women in Colorado prior to pregnancy.
- Health Watch 78 - How Healthy Are Colorado Women of Reproductive Age? An Evaluation of Preconception Risk and Protective Factors, February 2011. (PDF)
- Health Watch 75 - Smoking Before, During and After Pregnancy: Colorado Trends, May 2010. (PDF)
- Health Watch 69 - The Association of Prepregnancy Body Mass Index and Adverse Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes, February 2009. (PDF)
Nationwide Initiatives
A variety of initiatives to address the health status of women and men before pregnancy are occurring around the U.S. The Nationwide Initiative reports summarize information collected on some of those initiatives through interviews conducted with other states in 2011.
Before Between and Beyond Pregnancy website
- Women’s Wellness Preconception Health Care modules. (Before and Beyond website)
2011 Webinars
- Guideline for Preconception and Interconception Care. (YouTube video of a webinar that aired in January 2011)
- How Healthy Are CO Women of Reproductive Age? (YouTibe video of a webinar aired in March 2011.