The following tools were developed as part of the 2016-2020 Colorado MCH Needs Assessment process and are available for widespread use. Please feel free to download the tools and customize them as needed.
- Issue brief (template). (PDF)
- Issue brief (example). (PDF)
- Healthy People 2020 comparison data table (template). (Google sheet)
- Healthy People 2020 comparison data table (example). (Google sheet)
- Prioritization data synthesis (template). (Google sheet)
- Prioritization data synthesis (example). (Google sheet)
- Prioritization scoring matrix (template). (Google sheet)
- Prioritization scoring matrix (example). (Google sheet)
- Prioritization Criteria. (PDF)
The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program funds local implementing agencies to provide voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services to pregnant people and families in Colorado. MIECHV helps improve families’ physical, social and emotional well-being and prepares children to be school-ready. This program is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partnership with the Administration of Children and Families (ACF).
- 2020 MIECHV Needs Assessment. (webpage)