Waiver application
EMS medical directors may submit a request to expand the scope of practice for the agencies they oversee. Initial, renewal, and transfer applications for existing waiver types are submitted via the medical director's OATH account. The EMS medical director must be registered and affiliated with each EMS agency to be included in the waiver application. Each agency included in the waiver request must have an up-to-date organizational profile, be compliant with data reporting requirements, and meet the guidelines for the waiver type. To get started, follow the steps below.
- Jan. 15
- April 15
- July 15
- Oct 15
Application steps
Initial, renewal, and transfer applications are reviewed quarterly by the department. Exigent transfer requests are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the department.
- Ensure that your agency has a current organizational profile in OATH.
- Ensure your medical director registration is current and lists each EMS agency you oversee.
- Ensure someone at your agency has completed the online waiver data entry training.
- Ensure the agency meets the approved guidelines for the waiver type being requested. If your agency is on a plan of correction, ensure the agency is compliant with the department-approved plan.
- Log in to your OATH account.
- Click Applications and then start on the left-side menu.
- Click the View All Services Applications button under the agency name for which you're applying for a waiver.
- If you are affiliated with multiple agencies, use the Filter by Services drop-down to select the appropriate education program.
- Click the Apply Now button next to the Scope of Practice Waiver - Agency application.
- Complete the application form and submit it for review.
Novel waivers
Novel and modification applications are reviewed quarterly by the department and EMPAC. Novel waivers are requested to modify guidelines for an existing waiver type.
- Follow steps #1-#8 above.
- After starting the application select Novel or Modification for the application type.
- Novel and modification waiver requests only need to be submitted one time per medical director. If you oversee multiple agencies, you do not need to submit duplicative novel/modification requests for separate agencies.
- Novel waiver requests must include the following documentation:
- Justification of need
- Novel Waiver Guideline Template (available in application) including:
- Literature review/citations
- Proposed protocols/guidelines
- EMS provider level
- Care setting (911, Interfacility Transfer)
- Level of intervention (Monitor, Maintain, Initiate)
- Authorization (Verbal Order, Written Order, Standing Order)
- Supervision (Supervised, Independent)
- Proposed education and training requirements
- Proposed quality management requirements
- Novel and modification waiver applications are reviewed by the department, de-identified, and referred to EMPAC for review and recommendation at each quarterly meeting, with a final decision determined by the department.
- If approved, a Colorado EMS waiver guideline for the waivered act will be published online and added to the Scope of Practice Waiver - Agency application. The novel or modification waiver application you submitted will be processed as an initial application.
After approval
Follow the steps to apply for an initial, renewal or transfer waiver above for the newly approved waivered act for any additional agencies for which you oversee.