Registration required
EMS medical directors must register for each EMS agency they oversee. To register, medical directors must create or use their existing OATH account.
Steps to register as a medical director
- Create an OATH account. If the medical director already has an OATH account, they must use their current account.
- Click on 'Applications' and then 'Start' on the on the left-side menu.
- Click the 'View All Personnel Applications' link next to your name.
- Find the "EMS Medical Director Registration" form.
- Complete the application form and submit it for review.
After the application is reviewed and approved, the medical director will be affiliated with the agencies selected in the application. EMS medical directors must renew their registration annually.
Follow the steps above to:
- Renew the medical direction registration.
- Add EMS agencies that you oversee.
- Remove yourself as a medical director from agencies where you no longer provide direction.
The department regulates EMS providers through the Rules Pertaining to EMS Practice and Medical Director Oversight 6 CCR 1015-3, Chapter 2, which defines the roles and responsibilities of a medical director and the Colorado EMS scope of practice for each level of EMS provider.
As defined in Rules Pertaining to EMS Practice and Medical Director Oversight, medical director registration is required.
The Emergency Medical Practice Advisory Council advises the department about the appropriate scope of practice for EMS providers, including reviewing the standard EMS scope of practice and criteria for physicians to serve as EMS medical directors. Meetings are held quarterly.