Health Watch Publications
- HealthWatch No. 125: Suicide among those Recently Released from an Institution, Colorado residents, 2017-2021.
- HealthWatch No. 124: Comparison of Unintentional and Intentional Drug Overdose Deaths, Including Measures of Social Vulnerability, July 2019 to December 2021, Colorado residents.
- HealthWatch No. 123: Comparison of Adolescent Drug Overdose Deaths in Colorado compared to the United States, State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS), July 2019 to December 2021.
- FactSheet: Firearm Deaths in Colorado 2016-2021
- HealthWatch No. 120: Suicide Deaths and Surrounding Circumstances among First Responders and Last Responders in Colorado, 2004-2020: A Summary from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
- HealthWatch No. 119: Colorado’s State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System: Overdose Deaths from July 2019 to December 2020, an 18-month summary.
- HealthWatch No. 118: Drug Overdose Deaths in Colorado: Final Data for 2010-2020.
- Health Watch No. 117: Veteran Suicide in Colorado, Colorado Violent Death Reporting System, 2015-2019
- Health Watch No. 116: Binge drinking among Colorado adults: results from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Health Watch No. 115: Patterns of marijuana use combining Washington and Colorado (WACO) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data, 2015-2017.
- Health Watch No. 114: Seasonal Patterns in Violent Deaths in Colorado, Colorado Violent Death Reporting System, 2004-2018.
- Health Watch No. 113: Summary from the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System: Overdose Deaths from July to December 2019, Colorado Occurrences
- Health Watch No. 111: Older Adult Suicide in Colorado, 2013-2017, Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
2019 and earlier
- Health Watch No. 110: Mortality from Intimate Partner Violence in Colorado,2007-2017, Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
- Health Watch No. 109: Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Primary Care Settings in Colorado:Results from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor and Surveillance System.
- Health Watch No. 108: The Association between Toxicology and Suicide Notes among Firearm Suicide Decedents, 2004-2015:An Analysis from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
- Health Watch No.107: Use of Mental Health Treatment among Those Who Had a Criminal Legal Problem Associated with Their Suicide, 2004-2015,An Analysis from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
- Health Watch. No. 105: Alcohol and Suicide in Colorado, 2011-2015: Analyses from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System
- Health Watch No. 101: Homicide in Colorado, 2004-2014: A summary from the Colorado Violent Death Reporting System.
- Methodological improvements: Shift in body mass index reporting for children ages 2-14, 2011 to present.
- Colorado Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) - Methodological improvements: Incorporation of cell phones and raking weights.
- Colorado Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).
- Arthritis among adults in Colorado (2006).