Vital Statistics Program



About vital statistics

We derive vital statistics for Colorado from the official records of vital events (live births, deaths, fetal deaths, induced terminations of pregnancy/abortions, marriages and divorces). These records are collected through the Office of the State Registrar of Vital Records. Colorado’s vital statistics include data for all vital events that occur in Colorado, as well as those occurring in other states among Colorado residents.
Vital statistics are used to:
  • Assess Colorado’s health status.
  • Track events of public health importance.
  • Define public health priorities.
  • Evaluate programs.
  • Facilitate public health research.

These data are also shared with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where data from around the country are combined to support similar activities at the national level.

The goals of the Vital Statistics Program are to:
  • Analyze and disseminate timely, complete and high-quality vital statistics data.
  • Transform data into products and information that drive evidence-based decisions.
  • Help translate data into meaningful information and action.
  • Assist with disease, injury, and violence prevention.
  • Support maternal and child health activities.
  • Inform policy and health promotion efforts.
  • Improve the health and lives of all Coloradans.


Following are key data resources, including state and county birth and death summary tables, topical HealthWatch publications, CDPHE’s web-based, user-queryable data system CoHID (Colorado Health Information Dataset), and ad-hoc tables based on commonly-requested data. To view 2023 county summary data, click on the button belwo and then click on the county of interest to view or download the tables.


HealthWatch publications

  • HealthWatch No. 125: Suicide among those Recently Released from an Institution, Colorado residents, 2017-2021.
  • HealthWatch No. 124: Comparison of Unintentional and Intentional Drug Overdose Deaths, Including Measures of Social Vulnerability, July 2019 to December 2021, Colorado residents.
  • HealthWatch No. 123: Comparison of Adolescent Drug Overdose Deaths in Colorado compared to the United States, State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS), July 2019 to December 2021.
  • HealthWatch No. 118: Drug Overdose Deaths in Colorado: Final Data for 2010-2020.
  • HealthWatch No. 106: Drug Overdose Deaths in Colorado-Final Data for 1999-2017.
  • HealthWatch No. 100: Examining opioid and heroin-related drug overdose in Colorado.
  • HealthWatch No. 85: Unintentional poisoning deaths in Colorado, 2000-2010.
  • HealthWatch No. 82: Estimates of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Colorado.
  • HealthWatch No. 81: Cesarean section deliveries and inductions of labor in Colorado: An analysis of current trends and demographics.
  • HealthWatch No. 66: Infant mortality in Colorado: trends, disparities, and current research.
  • HealthWatch No. 68: Colorado’s population and vital statistics: recent innovations and recommendations.

CoHID (Colorado Health Information Dataset)

CoHID provides access to state and local-level data and resources compiled by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and its partners to help understand health and related issues affecting people in Colorado.



National Vital Statistics System

You can access vital statistics products for the United States by visiting the National Vital Statistics System, CDC/National Center for Health Statistics.



For inquiries about vital statistics or for data requests contact cdphe.healthstatistics@state.co.us
or visit CDPHE's data request website.