Permits for Domestic Discharges to Surface Water

Permits to discharge treated domestic waste (sewage) to surface water are handled by Permits Unit 2, which is managed by Michelle DeLaria: michelle.delaria@state.co.us

General Permits for Facilities Under 1 mgd

WQCD encourages applicants under 1 mgd to consider coverage under the two surface water domestic general permits because general permits pose a number of advantages for planning and timing:
  • General permit certifications can be issued far more quickly than individual permits, which may allow you to skip the PEL stage and use your permit as your Water Quality Planning Target.
  • Certifications under existing general permits may offer dischargers engaged in long-term planning more certainty than individual permits.
  • In many cases, general permit certifications can be modified after the general permit has been administratively extended (as long as the general permit itself does not need to be modified). Individual permits cannot be modified after the permit has been administratively extended.
  • General permit PELs can be completed more quickly than individual permit PELs.
  • General permit PEL and permit fees are lower.

Note that the two surface water general permits also provide for dilution in accordance with established tables in the permits. In addition, antidegradation limits will not be applied to permittees qualifying for coverage under the COG590000.

Qualifications for coverage under the COG590000 (100:1 Dilution General Permit)

In order for the facility to qualify for a General Permit COG590000, the facility must meet all the requirements for the COG591000 permit, AND the receiving stream must provide 100:1 dilution.  The dilution ratio is the 30E3 (chronic low flow) of the receiving stream (just above the outfall) to the facility design flow. In addition, the facility cannot discharge to waters designated as threatened and endangered species habitat. If your facility does not meet these qualifications but you are under 1 mgd, you are probably qualified for coverage under the COG591000 - see below.

The COG590000 general permit replaced the COG588000 general permit as of April 1, 2021. New facilities and conversions from an individual permit that qualify should apply under the COG590000 general permit. The division is renewing existing facilities that are currently permitted under the COG588000 general permit under the COG590000 general permit as of April 1, 2021.

Qualifications for coverage under the COG591000 (<100:1 Dilution General Permit)

The COG591000 general permit has replaced the COG589000 general permit as of June 1, 2022. New facilities and conversions from an individual permit that qualify should apply under the COG591000 general permit. The division will renew existing facilities that are currently permitted under the COG589000 general permit under the new COG591000 general permit beginning June 1, 2022.

Links to Permit Documents and Applications

Facility Planning and Site Approval

Sewage system compliance assistance and guidance