Facility design approval for drinking water and wastewater


Wastewater invoicing will now take place when you submit your wastewater site location application and/or process design report application. After submitting your application and engineering report, you will receive an invoice.

Please note that the invoice will expire 90 days after issuance.

Drinking water and domestic wastewater facility design reviews are conducted by the Engineering Section. Facility approval is required under the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations and Colorado Water Quality Control Act.

Engineering Contacts, Project Status, Approvals

Design review process for drinking water and domestic wastewater projects

  1. Complete and submit the required application materials, which include:
    • Application forms.
    • Engineered submittal (e.g., basis of design report, process design report, site location, final plans and specifications, or alternative technology justification, change orders, construction completion form).
  2. Please submit materials to CDPHE.WQEngReview@state.co.us.  Note: The applicant must submit a hard copy if requested by us.