Mobile Home Park Water Quality Act


What is the Mobile Home Park Water Quality Act?

The Mobile Home Park Water Quality Act helps Colorado protect clean and safe water in the state’s mobile home parks. The law created a drinking water testing program for Colorado's mobile home parks and requires the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to test the water in the parks, starting July 2024. The testing will determine if there are water quality issues at each park to help CDPHE create a plan for improving water quality. The law requires the division to develop and implement a statewide action plan by March 2026. The action plan will document our sampling findings, community outreach efforts, strategies identified for testing, and funding opportunities. CDPHE will conduct interviews with park residents about their water quality and translate materials into Spanish or any other identified language as necessary.


What are the program benefits?

  • Test water quality at all mobile home parks in Colorado.
  • Identify opportunities to protect clean and safe water at mobile home parks.
  • Assess water supply infrastructure at mobile home parks.
  • Obtain and record information from community members about their water quality concerns.
  • Consult and coordinate with community members, park owners, water systems, local health departments, and the Environmental Justice Ombudsperson about water quality at mobile home parks.
  • Create an action plan to protect water quality by incorporating feedback on sampling findings, community outreach efforts, strategies identified for testing, and funding opportunities.
  • Identify potential funding opportunities to improve water quality.

How can you prepare?

Community members

CDPHE will interview community members living in mobile home parks so they can share their concerns about water quality. Your concerns will inform our testing strategy.

Park owners

It is important for park owners to identify a point person who is knowledgeable about the current water system in the park. Park owners should also prepare to work closely with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The law requires park owners to provide notices to park residents in English and Spanish, as well as any other identified language. Park owners should prepare to provide translation assistance to ensure they meet notice deadlines. We also encourage park owners to review the last Consumer Confidence Report for their water system.

Program Timeline

How to get involved


We will post the recordings from the engagement sessions.


Virtual meetings

For more information, please contact:



Department of Public Health and Environment

Water Quality Control Division

cdphe.commentswqcd@state.co.us | 303-692-3500

Department of Local Affairs

Mobile Home Park Oversight Program

Website | MHPOP@state.co.us | 1-833-924-1147 (toll free) | Complaints