Water Quality FAQ


WQCD FAQ and Contacts


Above Ground Storage Tanks

Email: robert.hillegas@state.co.us

Algae Concerns

Email: sarah.erickson@state.co.us

Aqua Talk

Email: kyra.gregory@state.co.us

Assistance Grants Program

Email: kaitlyn.beekman@state.co.us 

Website: Click Here

Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control

Website: Click Here

Email:  cdphe_wqcd_fss_questions@state.co.us

Bacterial Testing Results

Phone: 303-692-3556


Email: gloria.duran@state.co.us


Email: tim.larson@state.co.us

Car Wash/Power Washing Questions


CEOS Support


Certified Operator Questions

Email: jessica.morgan@state.co.us

Compliance Assistance and Guidance for Industrial Stormwater

Email: todd.mcomber@state.co.us

Concrete Wash-outs

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Construction Dewatering - Compliance Assistance and Guidance

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Construction Stormwater - Compliance Assistance and Guidance

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Consumer Confidence Reports

Phone: 303-692-3556

CORA Request

Email: cdphe.wqrecordscenter@state.co.us

Cross Connections

Email: heather.young@state.co.us

De-rating a Wastewater Facility to 2,000 GPD or Less

Website: Click Here

Design Review Status

Website: Click Here

Drinking Water Data

Website: Click Here

Drinking Water Portal Issues

Phone: 303-692-3556


Website: Click Here

Fish Consumption Advisories

Email: sarah.erickson@state.co.us

Fish Kills

Phone: 877-518-5608

Fluoride in Drinking Water

Email: jennifer.lansing@state.co.us

Guidance for Sand and Gravel - Compliance Assistance and Guidance

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Impaired Waters

Email: skip.feeney@state.co.us


Email: cdphe_wqcd_fss_questions@state.co.us

Lagoons - Decommissioning

Website: Click Here

Lakes, Rivers and Stream Monitoring

Email: christopher.theel@state.co.us

Lead and Copper in Drinking Water

Phone: 303-692-3556

Lead Testing in Disadvantaged Child Care Centers

Website: Click Here

Email: cdphe_wqcd_lead_grant@state.co.us

Lead Testing in Public Schools and Child Care

Website: Click Here

Email: waterforkids@state.co.us

Lift Station Questions

Website: Click Here (contact list linked on that page)

Low-Risk Policies

Website: Click Here

Natural Swim Areas/Swim Beaches

Email: mandy.mercer@state.co.us

Nonpoint Source/319 Grants

Email: jamie.duvall@state.co.us

Permitting Forms

Phone: 303-692-3517


Email: john.nieland@state.co.us

PFAS Technical and Financial Support

Email: cdphe_wqcd_pfas_grant@state.co.us

Website: Click Here

Reclaimed water

Email: liz.lemonds@state.co.us

Regulations - Order a Copy

Email: loralee.evans@state.co.us

Remediation - Compliance Assistance and Guidance

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Septic System Questions

Website: Click Here

Site Applications and Design Reviews

Website: Click Here (contact list linked on that page)

Small Community Grants

Email: cdphe.wqcd.watergrants@state.co.us

Website: Click Here

Phone: 720-248-7394

Source Water Protection Planning

Email: cdphe.wqswap@state.co.us

Website: Click Here

State Revolving Fund Help

Project Manager Map: Click Here

Stormwater Complaints

Email: cdphe.wqstorm@state.co.us

Surface Water Assessments/Data

Email: skip.feeney@state.co.us

Swimming Pools/Spas/Mineral Baths

Email: gregory.mcconnell@state.co.us

Termination of Permits

Phone: 303-692-3517

Transfer of Ownership/Facility

Phone: 303-692-3517

Wastewater Compliance Officer - How to Find

Last Page of DMR Guidance: Click Here

Wastewater Facility Classifications

Website: Click Here

Water Quality Improvement Fund

Email: cdphe.wqcd.watergrants@state.co.us

Website: Click Here

Phone: 720-248-7394

Water Testing

Phone: 303-692-3490


Email: robert.hillegas@state.co.us

Wells - Private Wells Questions

Phone: 303-866-3581

WET Testing

Email: jacob.dyste@state.co.us


Email: scott.garncarz@state.co.us