Nonpoint source funding opportunities

2025 request for applications (RFA)


Nonpoint source project concept consultation

Every year the Water Quality Control Division, Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program sends out a request for applications (RFA) for NPS funding. Before the RFA is released, the NPS Program provides an opportunity for project sponsors to solicit feedback about NPS project concepts. The purpose of the feedback is to help project sponsors clearly define and develop their NPS water quality restoration or protection project idea and receive technical advice in advance of the application process. While submittal of a Concept Paper is optional, for those project sponsors interested in receiving feedback on a NPS project idea, the NPS Program requests submittal of a Concept Paper.

Project concept paper deadline October 11, 2024 by 5 p.m. (MST).

Please submit project concept papers to: cdphe_wqcd_nonpointsource+managers@state.co.us.

2024 request for applications (RFA)


RFA #42262 is closed, and we are currently not accepting applications for nonpoint source projects under this RFA. The materials below are examples from the closed NPS RFA that are intended for reference only.


NPS mini grant program

The NPS Mini Grant Program supports small, locally-sponsored outreach and education projects that range from conferences and events to bike tours and exploring opportunities to form watershed groups. These “Mini grants” are awarded on a cost-reimbursement basis. Typically, mini grants range from $1,000 to $2,500, with a maximum of $5,000. Non-federal matching funds are required. Proposals can be submitted year-round using the following instructions and template:

Other funding opportunities

Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date information.

Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund

Senate Bill 02-087 allowed Colorado citizens to make a voluntary contribution on their state income tax returns to support local watershed protection efforts in the state through the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund. Application requirements are available on https://www.coloradowater.org.

Colorado environmental justice grants program: 
Community solutions to improve environmental health

This grant opportunity was created by the Environmental Justice Act to provide funding to communities disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change. The Environmental Justice Advisory Board oversees the EJ Grants Program and will serve as the selection committee for the grants.

You can apply for this grant if you are part of a: non-profit organization, local government, federally-recognized Tribal government, university, other educational institution, for-profit corporation, or grassroots organization.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Programs include the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), and the Watershed Operations PL-566 Program. Find information on the NRCS website

Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP)

CDPHE’s SWAP program's main objective is to minimize potential contaminant threats to public drinking water supplies. To engage in this effort, public water systems and governmental entities can apply for a $5,000 protection planning grant through the SWAP program. The SWAP program also supports Wildland Fire Decision Support System work and post-wildfire recovery efforts. SWAP program staff assisted in the development of the Post Fire Playbook to assist local recovery groups in navigating the complexities surrounding post-wildfire recovery. For more information, visit the SWAP page.

Water quality grants and loans unit

CDPHE’s grants and loans unit offers small community grants and water quality improvement fund grants to protect public health and water quality. They also administer the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program to finance the design and construction of public drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects. More information on eligible drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater projects is available on the water quality grants and loans page.