Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions


On March 1, 2019, the Air Pollution Control Division implemented a formalized Application Rejection Process. This process increases permitting efficiency and timeliness.

The division requires that all applications submitted for processing are complete and ready for technical review upon receipt. Complete and accurate information is required on all APEN forms to keep processing timeliness reasonable.

When preparing an application, please be aware of the following:

  • Any incomplete application is subject to rejection.
  • All applications received without payment or proof of payment for the APEN filing fee(s), and General Permit registration fee(s) as applicable, will be rejected, even if the rest of the application is complete.
  • All rejected applications will require new APEN filing fee(s), and General Permit registration fee(s) as applicable, upon resubmission. See the Emissions and permitting fees page for more information on the current fees.
  • The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application, unless specifically exempted.
    • What application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100)?
      • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
        • Renewal of 5-year APEN term
        • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
      • APEN exempt sources.
      • Permit exempt sources.
      • Administrative permit amendments. (Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.)

  • Signed APEN form(s) with all sections complete and accurate.
  • Payment for APEN filing fee(s) and General Permit registration fees as applicable.
  • Form APCD-100.
  • Other supporting documentation as required per the APEN form(s), Form APCD-100, and application type.

Yes, all fields must be completed appropriately for APEN updates. “No Change” will not be accepted.

Yes, actual throughput and emissions must be reported for all active sources.

No, “see attached” is not acceptable, except in the case of lengthy equipment or material usage lists that do not fit in the APEN form fields.

No, all engine information is required upon receipt of GP02 and GP06 applications.


  • Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit).
    • Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
    • Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
  • APEN exempt sources.
  • Permit exempt sources.
  • Administrative permit amendments. (Including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections.)

If your application was rejected, please refer to the rejection letter sent to you by email, as it will contain specific instructions on how to successfully resubmit your application.

As of October 1, 2022, the Air Division no longer accepts Credit Card Authorizations through standard mail, email, or over the phone. If you need to pay APEN filing fee(s) and General Permit fee(s) with a credit card, you may use the Division’s online payment portal. If this is your first time using the payment portal, please follow the instructions in this guidance document.