Storage tank and vapor control system guidelines


The CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division, in a joint effort with industry, has published Storage Tank and Vapor Control System guidelines. The guidelines describe technical and practical considerations for designing, operating, and maintaining vapor control systems at Colorado oil and gas facilities.

Guideline benefits

Notifying and following the storage tank and vapor control system guidelines has many benefits, including:

  • Improve operator certainty and clarity when designing, operating, and maintaining storage tanks while complying with regulatory requirements.
  • Reduce the number of questions and records requested during inspections (when emissions are observed).
  • Reduce repetitive questions and record requests.
  • Improve efficiency for operators and the air division.

Implementation process

Step 1: Review the Storage Tank and Vapor Control System guidelines.
Step 2: Notify the division of your company's intention to follow the guidelines.
Step 3: Prepare your materials as needed.
Include all items as detailed in the STVCS Submittal Checklist.
Step 4: Submit your materials to the air division.

  • Directions on submitting your materials will be sent to you once you have notified the air division of your intent to follow the Storage Tank and Vapor Control guidelines, as directed in Step 2.


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