Colorado Clean Diesel Program

2025 funding opportunity update

Please visit the Colorado Clean Diesel Program for current eligibility and application information.

Program goal

The Colorado Clean Diesel Program is a Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) sub-grant program designed to reduce diesel emissions in Colorado. The program will be applied broadly across various sectors throughout Colorado, employing a variety of diesel reduction strategies eligible under DERA requirements. While the program is open to all areas of Colorado, we will target projects that reduce emissions in economically challenged communities; areas with historical air quality issues including nonattainment and maintenance areas; projects that reduce emissions in highly populated areas, areas with sensitive receptor groups such as schools or hospitals, or areas that receive a disproportionate quantity of air pollution from diesel vehicles particulate matter.

Impacts of diesel emissions

Human Health - Exposure to diesel exhaust can lead to serious health conditions like asthma and respiratory illnesses and can worsen existing heart and lung disease, especially in children and the elderly.  These conditions can result in increased numbers of emergency room visits, hospital admissions, absences from work and school, and premature deaths. 

Environment - Emissions from diesel engines contribute to the production of ground-level ozone which damages crops, trees and other vegetation.  Also produced is acid rain, which affects soil, lakes and streams and enters the human food chain via water, produce, meat and fish.  These emissions also contribute to property damage and reduced visibility. 

Global Climate - Climate change affects air and water quality, weather patterns, sea levels, ecosystems, and agriculture. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from diesel engines through improved fuel economy or idle reduction strategies can help address climate change, improve our nation's energy security, and strengthen our economy. 

Environmental Justice - CDPHE strives to build partnerships to mobilize community power and transform systems to advance health equity and environmental justice. Clean Diesel Program activities further our commitment to reduce health and environmental harm from diesel emissions in all communities throughout Colorado.

Contact us

For the Colorado Clean Diesel Program:
Rick Coffin

For all other questions about diesel vehicle emissions: 