Smoking vehicle hotline

The Smoking Vehicle Hotline program helps identify vehicles with excessive emissions, and gives owners of those vehicles information that will encourage them to voluntarily make needed repairs.

Report a smoking vehicle by phone or email: 


Please include the vehicle's license plate number and, if possible, whether it is gasoline- or diesel-powered. We will send a Smoking Vehicle Notification to the address for this vehicle's registration. Repairs to smoking vehicles are required if a vehicle fails a mandatory emissions test due to a visible smoke problem. The cause of such smoke must be corrected before the required emissions sticker can be issued.

Local law enforcement may stop a smoking vehicle, issue a ticket, and order the owner to make repairs. Colorado law provides for a $25 fine for the first violation of the smoking vehicle law, and $100 fines for subsequent violations (CRS 42-4-412, 413). Some jurisdictions can impose additional fines for operating a smoking vehicle.

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