Reminder: Permit application rejection criteria - use Form APCD-100 to avoid incomplete permit applications.
The Air Pollution Control Division rejects incomplete permit applications. To help ensure your application is complete, use the most recent Permit Application/Registration Checklist Form APCD-100 on the division’s website. This form is required for all permit applications unless you use the new online submission tool to submit your full application for one of the listed emissions source types except APEN for Well Production Facility (GP09/10).
You can contact the following email addresses with any questions before submitting your permit application:
- APEN forms and application requirements/process:
- Title V permits:
- Oil and gas construction permits:
- Non-oil and gas construction permits:
- Small business assistance:
- Environmental justice summaries:
The division works to identify incomplete applications as quickly as possible after receipt. The division then issues a formal application rejection in writing.
If an application is rejected, the division will require the applicant to formally resubmit the entire application with all required documents. The applicant must repay any relevant fee(s) with each new application submission.
As a reminder, the division considers Title V operating permit applications without a required Environmental Justice Summary as incomplete. If the application is incomplete, the source will not be granted an application shield. Title V forms, instructions, and guidance documents were updated effective August 2023. For more information, visit the Title V operating permits website.
Any business in Colorado that emits air pollution may be required to report its emissions and/or apply for a permit. Submitting an Air Pollutant Emissions Notice (APEN) is required to report your emissions, apply for a permit, or modify a permit.
Your application will be rejected if it is filled out incorrectly, is missing information, missing required forms, or lacks payment for the filing fee. The Form APCD-100 and all applicable forms on that checklist are required with every application. The re-submittal will require a new filing fee. See the Application Rejection Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
The following application types are exempted from the requirement to submit the Permit Application/Registration Checklist (Form APCD-100):
- Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) updates only (no changes to permit)
- Renewal of 5-year APEN term.
- Update to actual annual emissions, per AQCC Reg. 3, Part A, Section II.C.
- APEN exempt sources.
- Permit exempt sources.
- Administrative permit amendments (including but not necessarily limited to name changes, changes in contact information, transfers of ownership, and typographical error corrections).
Do you need an APEN or air permit?
- Introduction to APENs video.
- Detailed guidance for calculating your emissions.
- APEN/permit threshold table.
- Ozone non-attainment area boundaries.
- Common APEN and air permit exemptions.
- APEN update guidance.
Severe Nonattainment Area Reclassification: Permitting Issues - PS Memo 22-01
- Find forms to apply or modify (including APENs), and permitting process guidance.
- If you just need an APEN and are not applying for a permit.
- General permits offer a streamlined approach, they're available for land development activities, diesel engines, natural gas RICE engines and other oil and gas operations. Sources that can meet the criteria of emissions limitations and other operating conditions may qualify for a general permit.
- Cancel, change ownership or company name, provide notice of startup, alternate operating scenario, relocation notice, or self-certify.
Additional resources
- Air permitting guidance memos
- Compliance and enforcement
- Resources for emissions calculations and monitoring.
- Oil & gas compliance and recordkeeping
- Forms and guidance for LDAR, AIMM, Regulation 7, visible emissions, NSPS OOOO, STEM, etc., specific for oil &, gas operations.
- Index (oil & gas only)
- APENs, other forms, and guidance.
- Contacts
- Permitting and compliance.
- Find Air Pollutant Emission Notices (APENs) and resources to apply for, modify or renew a permit
- General permits offer a streamlined approach, they're available for land development activities, diesel engines, natural gas RICE engines and other oil and gas operations. Sources that can meet the criteria of emissions limitations and other operating conditions may qualify for a general permit.
- Cancel, change ownership or company name, provide notice of startup, alternate operating scenario, relocation notice, or self-certify.
Additional resources
- Air permitting guidance memos
- Compliance and enforcement
- Resources for emissions calculations and monitoring.
- Index (non-oil & gas)
- APENs, other forms, and guidance.
- Contacts
- Permitting and compliance.
Contact us
Questions? Email the CDPHE Air Pollution Control Division at
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