Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program

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Update: On Sept. 26, 2024, the Clean Fleet Enterprise’s review committee voted to move forward with funding 23 projects for the Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program.

The board’s scoring criteria for applicants considered numerous factors, including expected benefits to the community and applicants' plans to transition to low- or zero- emission vehicles. For transition plans, the board examined if the applicant considered infrastructure needs, permitting, and other support for the project.

Read the press release.


The Clean Fleet Enterprise Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program is a statewide competitive application process for new fleet vehicles, vehicle conversions, and clean fleet technology. Fleets will provide background information on their current fleet make-up, indicate the level of planning that has occurred for fleet transition, and provide financial information on vehicles and/or technology the fleet plans to acquire. 

In general, a successful applicant will convey an understanding of the grant program criteria, their preparedness to manage a complex and long-term fleet transition project, and their commitment to maintaining battery and fuel-cell electric or recovered methane vehicles in everyday fleet operations.

Current incentives 

All incentives listed below are considered maximums or caps for eligible vehicle offerings through the Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program. In addition to the incentives offered through the Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program, applicants are strongly encouraged to explore their eligibility for additional grants, rebates, etc. available from other sources. Where possible, awards offered through the Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program may be combined with external funding.

Base new vehicle incentives (per vehicle): Battery Electric Vehicle/Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle/Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
Gross vehicle weight ratingVehicle classIncentive amount

10,001 to 14,000 lbs

Class 3


14,001 to 16,000 lbs

Class 4


16,001 to 19,500 lbs

Class 5


19,501 to 26,000 lbs

Class 6


26,001 to 33,000 lbs

Class 7


33,001 + lbs

Class 8



Base new vehicle incentives (per vehicle): Compressed Natural Gas
Gross vehicle weight ratingVehicle classIncentive amount

14,001 to 26,000 lbs

Class 4 through Class 6


26,001 to 33,000 + lbs

Class 7 through Class 8



Base vehicle conversion incentives (per vehicle)
Gross vehicle weight ratingVehicle classIncentive amount

16,001 to 19,500 lbs

Class 5


19,501 to 26,000 lbs

Class 6


26,001 to 33,000 lbs

Class 7


33,001 + lbs

Class 8



Base clean fleet technology incentive (per vehicle) 
Gross vehicle weight ratingVehicle classIncentive amount

16,001 to 33,000 + lbs

Class 5 through Class 8



Enhanced incentives

Enhanced incentives may be stacked with base incentives if applicants are eligible for multiple criteria. Applicants will be required to provide supporting documentation, as part of the application, to certify their eligibility for enhanced incentives.

Business registration enhanced incentive: $5,000 per vehicle for applicants who are:

  • Incorporated or organized in Colorado or maintain a place of business or have an office in Colorado and:
    • Are officially registered as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; Or
    • Certified as a women-owned business, minority-owned business, small business or a disadvantaged business enterprise.

Disproportionately Impacted Communities enhanced incentive: $5,000 per vehicle, for applicants with primary vehicle domicile locations in disproportionately impacted communities, defined by the Transportation Equity Screening Tool. Proof of vehicle registration, at a qualifying location, will be required.

Vehicle scrappage enhanced incentive: 10% increase of the base vehicle incentive, per qualifying scrapped vehicle.

Application timeline

The enterprise board is no longer accepting applications for the grant program at this time. The application deadline for the second round was June 21, 2024. If you applied for a grant and submitted your application on time, please ensure you check your email for an update on your submission and status of the application. Awardees will be notified of selected projects via email by October 2024.

Application links

Applicants may access the online applications by using the links below. Applicants are welcome to apply for funding in each category — new vehicles, vehicle conversions, clean fleet technology —  but must do so by completing a separate application for each.

Contact us

Questions? Contact cdphe_cfe@state.co.us.

Resources linked on this website are in English. We can provide interpretation in Spanish upon request. Please email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us to request interpretation.